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Care about turtles
Green CSR Logo with Daihatsu
Hijau Bersama Daihatsu
Daihatsu also participates in reducing environmental impact and contributes to building sustainable businesses.
Turtle Care Member
Hijau Bersama Daihatsu
Daihatsu also participates in reducing environmental impact and contributes to building sustainable businesses.
Care about turtles

Turtles are an integral part of the marine ecosystem. They help maintain the health of seagrass and coral reefs needed by other marine animals.

Turtle species have been part of our oceans for approximately 100 million years. As one of the main programs of the Green Pillar in CSR PT Astra Daihatsu Motor (ADM) since 2019, cooperation has been established with the Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries (KKP). Currently, there are 6 Turtle Conservation sites in Indonesia that have collaborated with ADM.

The forms of cooperation related to the protection of turtles and their habitats include providing donations for facilities and infrastructure to support education for local turtle conservation efforts. Not only aiming to serve as preservation facilities, ADM-supported turtle conservation sites also serve as educational platforms for visitors and actively welcome visits from schools, students conducting research, and tourists. ADM considers turtles as a business philosophy. These animals, capable of living for decades, are seen as able to survive by adapting to their environment and the times they live in.

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