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Pintar Bersama Daihatsu
Daihatsu is committed to contributing to the improvement of education quality in line with the company's business development.
From Indonesia, For Indonesia
Recognizing the importance of education in nation-building, ADM takes part in developing the education sector through the CSR pillar 'Smart with Daihatsu' (PBD).

Recognizing the importance of education in nation-building, ADM participates in developing the education sector through the CSR pillar 'Smart with Daihatsu' (PBD). Smart with Daihatsu is the flagship program of the Smart Pillar in Daihatsu's CSR.

The Smart CSR Pillar of Daihatsu focuses on improving the standards of vocational schools in Indonesia by establishing training programs, mentoring, providing facilities assistance, and other supporting activities to ensure competitive quality education standards that align with the company's development. Until now, ADM has mentored 458 vocational schools scattered throughout Indonesia. Through this program, ADM is committed to supporting the learning of vocational school students, both in hard and soft skills. Additionally, ADM also provides opportunities for graduates of Daihatsu-supported vocational schools to work at ADM factories.

Pintar Bersama Daihatsu Galleries
SMK Skill Contest Jadi Komitmen Daihatsu Tingkatkan Pendidikan Vokasi dan Cetak SDM Unggul
SMK Skill Contest Jadi Komitmen Daihatsu Tingkatkan Pendidikan Vokasi dan Cetak SDM Unggul
Daihatsu menyelenggarakan Daihatsu SMK Skill Contest ke-8 pada 19 Desember 2024 di Sunter Assembly Plant PT Astra Daihatsu Motor, Jakarta.
Daihatsu Perkuat SDM Masa Depan dengan Donasi Alat Manufaktur ke SMK dan Kampus
Daihatsu Perkuat SDM Masa Depan dengan Donasi Alat Manufaktur ke SMK dan Kampus
Daihatsu Indonesia berkomitmen dalam mencerdaskan bangsa dengan meningkatkan kualitas pendidikan dan SDM yang unggul melalui CSR Pintar Bersama Daihatsu.
Penandatanganan Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) Untuk Pengembangan Pendidikan SMK Binaan Daihatsu
Salah satu komitmen Daihatsu terhadap keberlanjutan di dunia pendidikan yaitu deng
Peresmian Fasilitas Dojo Center berstandar Daihatsu di SMK Muhammadiyah 1 Bantul, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta pada 9 Maret 2024
Peresmian Fasilitas Dojo Center berstandar Daihatsu di SMK Muhammadiyah 1 Bantul, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta pada 9 Maret 2024
JAWA BARAT & JOGJAKARTA (15/3) Daihatsu di Indonesia senantiasa mewujudkan komitmennya dalam mencerdaskan bangsa melalui peningkatan kualitas SDM (Sumber Daya Manusia) melalui pendidikan, khususny