Press Release

Celebrate the 79th Independence Day of the Republic of Indonesia, Daihatsu Offers a Merdeka Service Promo

22 August 2024
Daihatsu Berikan Promo Service Merdeka Dalam Merayakan HUT RI ke-79

JAKARTA (21/8): Daihatsu is committed to always being close to the community like a friend to provide the best service and peace of mind. Taking the momentum to celebrate the 79th Independence Day of the Republic of Indonesia, Daihatsu offers a special after-sales service program through the Merdeka Service Promo.This after-sales service promo runs from August 1 to August 31, 2024, and can be enjoyed at all official Daihatsu service centers across Indonesia."With the spirit of celebrating the 79th Independence Day of the Republic of Indonesia, Daihatsu wants to appreciate customers by providing an economical service package. Hopefully, this service will help loyal customers in maintaining their beloved Daihatsu vehicles in prime condition," said Yanuar Krisna, Deputy Head of After Sales and Logistic Division at PT Astra International Tbk. Daihatsu Sales Operation.In this service, customers can enjoy various benefits such as:

  • Special Price for Tune Up: Rp79,000
  • 24% Discount for regular maintenance services to keep the vehicle optimal
  • 17% Discount for the purchase of all types of Daihatsu Genuine Oil (DGO)
  • 15% Discount for the purchase of Best Seller items
  • Up to 8% Discount for certain spare parts

All these benefits can be enjoyed by Daihatsu customers for any model and are required to book a service at the nearest official Daihatsu service center or Daihatsu Mobile Service (DMS).For more detailed information and other Daihatsu services, customers can contact Daihatsu Access at 1-500-898, visit the official website at, or through the DaihatsuKu mobile app.As known, Daihatsu has a wide network support with 279 outlets, 174 official service centers, 293 DMS units, and over 3,000 part shops spread across Indonesia.

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